Cancer Imaging Phenomics Toolkit (CaPTk)  1.6.2.Alpha
Miscellaneous: Perfusion Derivatives

This application extracts various measurements from a Dynamic-Susceptibility Contrast-enhanced (DSC) MRI scan.

The exact measurements comprise i) an automatically-extracted proxy to relative Cerebral Blood Volume (ap-rCBV), ii) peak height (PH), iii) percent signal recovery (PSR). Note that the ap-rCBV measurement is not expected to be identical to the clinically extracted rCBV measurement.


  1. A single DSC-MRI scan.
  2. The Echo Time corresponding to the given DSC-MRI scan


  1. Launch the application from "Applications" -> "Perfusion Derivatives".
  2. Specify the input DSC-MRI image, the perfusion measurements (i.e., ap-rCBV, PH, PSR) to be extracted, the "Echo Time" of the loaded scan in seconds (45 milliseconds = 0.045 seconds), and the output directory.
  3. Press "Confirm" button.
  4. The extracted measurements will be saved at the specified location (~5 minutes).